The purpose of Project CYCLE: Crafting Young Children’s Literary Experiences, is to provide the young children and families of the CSUDH Infant/Toddler Center, CSUDH Child Development Center, and the surrounding community, with books to read in the home setting. The books provided through Project CYCLE were created by CSUDH students.
CSUDH Faculty and staff involved with Project CYCLE:
- PI: Conrad Oh-Young, PhD, Division of Teacher Education
- PI: Jen Stacy, PhD, Department of Liberal Studies
- Amina Humphrey, PhD, Department of Liberal Studies
- Jenny Chiappe, PhD, Division of Teacher Education
- Wei Ma, Electronic Resources Librarian
- Caron Mellblom-Nishioka, EdD, Division of Teacher Education
Project CYCLE is funded through the CSUDH Instructionally Related Activities Grant and the CSUDH Emeritus Faculty Association Faculty Legacy Fund for the 2020-2021 academic year, and will be funded through the CSUDH Instructionally Related Activities Grant for the 2021-2022 academic year.
If you have any questions about Project CYCLE, please email: cohyoung@orkexpo.net